We help people with migraines and headaches get better.

Welcome to Migraine Insight


Migraine Insight delivers results. Why settle for less?

Our community helps people get better. Features:

  • Custom App - We pinpoint personal trigger patterns with our custom trigger tracking app.
  • Treatment Plan Development - We track treatments and develop individualized treatment plans using research-backed science.
  • Community Support - Each of us work together to make insights on our condition.
  • Weekly Accountability Checkins - Weekly checkins and goal setting can help people reach their targets on behavioral changes.

Our powerful app helps pinpoint exactly what's causing your migraines.

iPhone Android

Our Migraine Community Hosts

We understand migraines.
We love helping people get better!

Kelly Pratt


Kelly leads our community. She runs the accountability threads and weekly checkins. She works hard to help people come together and create a better life while living with migraines.

Lynn Smith

Founder and Host

Lynn built the award winning, trigger-finding Migraine Insight app. She developed the app to help herself, and others, overcome migraines. And, it's working! She is an active host on our forums. Come talk to her.